Technical Bulletin Policies
- The Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station (CAES) will publish final results of research studies in Technical Bulletins where the primary emphais is one one of the following:
- research methodology or techniques
- research results (secondarily on methodology
- reviews of current research
- development/distribution of software
- Technical Bulletin manuscripts must be peer reviewed by departments prior to submission to the CAES Director\’s Office for publication. Technical Bulletin peer review documentation must be submitted with the manuscript to the Director\’s Office before the publication may be approved.
- Publications will be placed on the CAES web site.
- Costs of publication are borne by the author(s)–CAES $ ok.
- For digital-only publications, contact the CAES for alternatives to the standard, hard copy distribution.
- Submit draft manuscript to department head to initiate peer review
- Make changes/corrections identified by peers on manuscript
- Obtain TB number from CAES Director\’s Office (Amy Bibbey, 1-6274)
- Prepare:
- TB Submission Form
- Outside Cover Page
- Inside Cover Page
- Submit to department head for signature/forwarding to CAES:
- TB Submission Form
- Peer review comments
- 1 camera-ready copy of final manuscript (page numbers in center position)
- 1 electronic copy of final manuscript, in two versions: PDF and WORD (each version as a SINGLE file, including both cover pages and any optional graphics used on outside cover*)
*If author requests CSU\’s Publications Office to design optional graphics, author must handle payment arrangements directly with that office (IMO)
- Author is responsible for distributing PI/department copies of final bulletin.
If author or department stores or provides links to pdf publication files to anyone, they must be complete documents (i.e., a SINGLE file that includes covers to maintain identity/connection with CSU and CAES).
Department Head:
- Assign a peer review committee of no less than two members to review manuscript. Provide each reviewer a copy of the Technical Bulletin Peer Review Form.
- Send peer review comments to author.
- Upon receipt of camera-ready copy of final manuscript, forms, electronic file copies, and peer review comments, complete the department head certification and forward packet to the CAES Director\’s Office.
- Assign publication number
- Review peer reviewer comments and provide comments to author, if appropriate
- Approve/disapprove publication
- If not approved, contact author
- If approved:
- Notify author of approval and date forwarded for printing
- Complete copy form and forward with complete, camera-ready copy of final manuscript to FastPrint
- Update CAES publication database
- Post PDF file on CAES Web Page
- Notify on-campus CAES faculty, research centers, and library listserv that publication is available on web site
- Distribute copies to State Depository, Morgan Library, CAES files, and author
Publications and Printing:
- Design optional, customized cover graphics as requested (and paid for) by author(s)
- Provide author with electronic file of graphic (that author inserts into outside cover page prior to manuscript submission to CAES)