Combined Research and Extension Annual Report – 2013

2013 Colorado State University
Combined Research and Extension
Annual Report of Accomplishments and Results

The Agricultural Experiment Station (AES) and Extension at Colorado State University are committed to excellence in basic and applied research and translation of this research through Extension programs to clientele and others. Extension continues to emphasize non-formal education and transfer of knowledge to audiences throughout the state, based on local needs and research information from the AES, the colleges of Agricultural Sciences, ealth and Human Sciences, Engineering, Veterinary Medicine and Natural Resources. Programs emphasize best management practices in addressing issues that affect Coloradans.

Most Extension data for this report were provided through our Colorado Planning and Reporting System (CPRS). Plans of Work (POW) were submitted by Work Teams (WTs), and individuals linked to them in creating their own Plans to Invest (PTI). During the program year, individuals entered program data, and reports were generated during the first quarter of 2014. While every Planned Program has many, many knowledge (learning) outcomes, this report primarily documents behavior (action) outcomes. The previous POW listed planned outcomes as percentages of participants reporting change. The CPRS data are numbers of participants only. Therefore, many outcomes listed are marked “not reporting” for 2012 as no percentages are available.

An unintended consequence of the adoption of CPRS is differences in scope and reporting of program areas by the AES and Extension. These differences were addressed in the updated Plan of Work and in this 2013 Integrated Report.