CAES Annual Reports

Through these reports, it is our desire to share the exciting and dynamic aspects of the research conducted by a selected group of the more than 150 ongoing research projects supported by the Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station. The following CAES Annual Reports are available.

  • complete in Adobe Acrobat PDF:
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
  • and individual articles in HTML:
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Year Title of Article Principal Investigator(s)
From the Ground Up html pdf Keith Paustian
Hanging Pathogens Out to Dry html pdf Pat Kendall and John Sofos
Home Grown and High-Tech html pdf Mike Bartolo
Market Fresh html pdf Dawn Thilmany
Predicting Profit html pdf Mark Enns and Dorian Garrick
Storming the State html pdf Nolan Doesken and Roger Pielke
Teamwork Pays Off html pdf CAES and CE
The Grass is Always Greener html pdf Jessica Davis, Yaling Qian, and Tim Stanton
The War on Terra html pdf Thomas Stohlgren
Better Beef html pdf Stephen Koontz
Calculating Water Use html pdf Dan Smith
Eat More Fish html pdf Mary Harris and Rod Hansen
Forty Years of Experience html pdf Scott Haley
Helping to Protect Groundwater html pdf Charles Shackelford
Potato Pathologist html pdf Rob Davidson
The Sweet Taste of Success html pdf Bob Hammon
Weed Warrior html pdf Ruth Hufbauer and Shanna Carney
A Combined Effort CAES and USDA ARS Researchers
Chronic Wasting Disease Ed Hoover
Digging Deeper Kevin Larson
Friendly Secret Weapon Jorge Vivanco, Frank Stermitz, Harsh Pal Bais
Head Start for Calves Douglas Zalesky
Question Predictions Roger Pielke
Taking a Higher View Indy Burke
The Water Traders John Wilkins-Wells
Waste Not, Want Not Nazmul Karim and Linda Henk
Beef Safety John Sofos and Pat Kendall
Detecting Soil Contaminants Ken Reardon
Fresh Ideas for Dryland Farming Abdel Berrada
Helping Onion Growers Grow Scott Nissen
Making the Grade Keith Belk
Over Twenty Years of Blooming Success Jim Klett
Pinto Beans…Just Right Mark Brick
The Face of Welfare Reform in Rural Colorado Carole Makela
The Immigration Debate Dawn Thilmany
Trickle Down Theory Timothy Gates
ARDEC Steve LeValley
Balancing Land Use E. T. Bartlett
Dry Beans Calvin Pearson
His Marriage/Her Marriage Alicia Cook
Prime Cuts Jack Whittier
Salinity, The Silent Killer Luis Garcia
Soil is Not a Dirty Word Gene Kelly
Taking Advantage of a Good Thing Dana Hoag
The Super Spud David Holm
To Fallow…Or Not to Fallow Gary Peterson and Dwayne Westfall
Too Good to Waste Jessica Davis
A Stake Through the Heart of the Russian Wheat Aphid Frank Peairs
Building a (Bio)Solid Partnership Ken Barbarick
Cooking Up a Better Steak Daryl Tatum
Hot Topics Phil Omi
The Codebreakers Dennis Knudson
The Pied Piper of Hotchkiss Rick Zimmerman
The Plant Doctor Carol Ishimaru
The Weather Bug Bill Cotton
The X Y Factor George Seidel
Tricks of the Hay Trade Joe Brummer
What’s Old is New Sarah Ward
A Gnawing Problem Glenn Schmidt
Acres of Accuracy Paul Ayers
BIO 25/30 Duane Johnson
Feast or Fungas Anireddy S.N. Reddy
Green Dreams Tony Koski
Mr. Anti-Freeze Cecil Stushnoff
No Easy Game of Pick and Choose Wayne Leininger and Joe Trlica
Smile, You’re on Weedcam! Donald Lybecker and Phillip Westra
The Bug Cops Boris Kondratieff
The Productivity Puzzle Gordon Niswender
Beyond the Pill Colin Clay
Developing Super Plants Nora Lapitan
Gallon for Gallon Steven Abt
No Fooling Howard Schwartz
Plasticulture Mike Bartolo
Snake Oil Frank Stermitz
The Public Detective John Loomis
Turning the Worms Louis Bjostad
Unmanned Weathermen Tom McKee