
Numerous publications reporting on the work at the research center are available at the center or through area county extension offices.

Following is a list of some publications:

  • Baker, D. S., T. E. Engle, J. C. Whittier, P. D. Burns, R. G. Mortimer, D. N. Schutz, and R. M . Enns. 2002. Trace mineral impact on reproductive performance, immune response, and calf performance in grazing beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 80(Suppl. 2): 117.
  • Flatt, W. R., T. L. Stanton, D. Schutz, J. Davis, and T. E. Engle. 2002. Effect of salt level on growth performance, carcass characteristics, cost of gain and manure salinity on finishing beef steers. Western Section American Society of Animal Science Proceedings. 53:660-665.
  • Flatt, W. R., T. L. Stanton, D. Schutz, J. Davis, and T. E. Engle. 2002. Effect of salt level on growth performance, carcass characteristics, cost of gain and manure salinity on finishing beef steers. J. Anim. Sci. 80(Suppl. 2):142.
  • Loza, P. L., T. L. Stanton, T. E. Engle, D. Schutz, and A. R. Rhoads. 2002. Effects of feeding low phytate corn varieties on growth performance, feed efficiency, serum phosphorus level, Longissimus Dorsi fatty acid composition, and carcass characteristics of finishing steers. 2002. Department of Animal Sciences, Colorado State University. Animal Sciences Research Report. Pp. 123-126.
  • Sampaio PAGA, JC Whittier, BA Riggs, DN Schutz and D Couch, 2001. Effect of season on eastern Colorado native range crude protein levels. Proc West Sec ASAS 52:499-500.
  • Smith CD, JC Whittier, DN Schutz and D Couch, 2001. Comparison of alfalfa hay and distillers dried grains with solubles, alone or in combination with cull beans, as protein sources for beef cows grazing native winter range. The Professional Animal Scientist 17:139-144.