The North Fork Peach Rootstock Trial

OARS-RM as a Genetic Preservation Site

Organic Peach Growers are looking for more vigorous rootstocks to counteract the growth inhibiting effects in the North Fork Valley (shorter growing season, organic fertility issues). They generally see stunted growth compared to Palisade. To identify vigorous rootstocks that compensate for the environmental conditions, we will test a range of rootstocks (8 total) with variable vigor and identify best performers. Depending on level of rootstock vigor, different pruning/training systems are implemented (see slides). Planted in Spring 2023. We will measure yield, growth rate (vigor), and traits useful for assessing fruit quality.

Collaborating researchers: Dr. David Sterle, Pomologist, WCRC-Orchard Mesa 

In 2024: Continuing trunk measurements and assessing survival. Planting perennial cover crop of legume/grass mix.

Outcomes: Increased understanding of balancing vigor with rootstock genetics. Identifying vigorous peach rootstocks suitable for organic production.