Colorado Dry Bean Foundation Seed Program


  • Provide the seed industry with genetically pure and disease free seed stocks of Breeder and Foundation class dry bean, especially those cultivars developed by the Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station.
  • Work cooperatively with the Colorado State University (CSU) Dry Bean Breeding Project to increase seed stocks of potential new varieties.01023_00348smtrans
  • Work cooperatively with Foundation seed projects in other western states in the exchange of Breeder and Foundation dry bean seed.
  • Work closely with the seed industry in Colorado to supply the quantities of seed required to meet their needs.
 Available Varieties:
 ‘Centennial’ Pinto Bean

‘Centennial’ was released by the Colorado Agricultural Experiment Stations to provide dry bean producers in the western USA with a variety that combines medium season maturity (95-99 days), resistance to common rust, and most strains of Bean common mosaic virus and Bean common mosaic necrosis virus. ‘Centennial’ also has excellent seed color, high yield potential, and semi-upright architecture (Type II, CIAT classification). ‘Centennial’ was derived from the cross “Croissant X La Paz”. A technology fee will be assessed on all Registered and Certified seed produced. Unauthorized Propagation Prohibited – To Be Sold By Variety Name Only As A Class of Certified Seed –

 ‘Croissant’ Pinto Bean

‘Croissant’ was developed by Colorado State University and release in 2008. ‘Croissant’ has semi-upright Type IIb architecture in most environments; in high yield environments it expresses semi-vine (IIIb) architectture. It possesses resistance to the prevalent strains of rust in the High Plains and BCMV. It has a medium harvest maturity of 92-95 days. ‘Croissant’ has excellent seed quality. A technology fee will be assessed on all Registered and Certified seed produced. Plant Variety Protected (PVP)

 ‘Long’s Peak’ Pinto Bean

‘Long’s Peak’ was developed by Colorado State University. ‘Long’s Peak’ combines several desirable traits including: excellent seed color and size, high yield potential, resistance to prevalent strains of rust in the High Plains, and resistance to Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV). ‘Long’s Peak’ has upright plant architecture (IIb) in moist environments. A technology fee will be assessed on all Registered and Certified seed produced. Plant Variety Protected (PVP)

 ‘Bill Z’ Pinto Bean

‘Bill Z’ is a pinto cultivar released by the Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station in 1986. It was the “Pinto Bean of the 90’s”, probably the most sought after pinto variety during the 1990’s. Semi-vine growth habit, 96 days to maturity, BCMV resistance, and is susceptible to races of rust found in Colorado. Plant Variety Protected (PVP).

‘Montrose’ Pinto Bean

‘Montrose’ pinto bean was developed by the Colorado State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Colorado State University Department of Soil and Crop Science, it was released in 1999. ‘Montrose’ combines mid-season maturity, high yield potential, resistance to the prevalent races of rust in Colorado and resistance to bean common mosaic virus. It is susceptible to the white mold pathogen. It has a prostrate Type III growth habit similar to most commercial pinto cultivars. ‘Montrose’ can only be sold as a class of Certified seed. Plant Variety Protected (PVP). Available only as a year in advance request.

‘Grand Mesa ’ Pinto Bean

‘Grand Mesa’ was developed by the Colorado State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Colorado State University Department of Soil and Crop Science, and released in 2001. ‘Grand Mesa’ has high yields, resistance to prevalent rust races, and field tolerance to white mold. It has an upright type II architecture and excellent seed quality. ‘Grand Mesa’ is a good choice under sprinklers and where white mold is a problem. It has mid-season maturity. Plant Variety Protected (PVP). Available only as a year in advance request.

‘Shiny Crow’ Black Bean

‘Shiny Crow’ is a black bean with semi-vine prostrate Type III growth habit with excellent seed and canning quality. This cultivar produces shiny black seed unique among traditional opaque black cultivars grown in the USA. It is resistant to bean common mosaic virus and combines mid-season maturity, high yield potential and adaptation to the high plains. Plant Variety Protected (PVP). Available only as a year in advance request.

 Dryland Cultivars:

Western Colorado Foundation Seed maintains seed stocks of two dryland pinto varieties, Cahone and Fisher. Seed for these varieties are available on a year in advance request only.

 Equipment and Facilities:

The Western Colorado Foundation Seed Project is housed in its own building at the Western Colorado Research Center – Fruita site. The facility includes a conditioning plant utilizing a new Clipper Prelude 3 screen cleaner, Oliver gravity separation table, Forsberg stoner, and a single channel Xeltron color seed sorting unit. There is warehouse storage for seed lots and equipment. Breeder seed lots are grown either at the WCRC Fruita site or the WCRC Orchard Mesa site, depending on what degree of seed isolation is desired.

 Ordering Foundation or Breeders Seed

Orders for Foundation or Breeders seed may be made as year in advance orders, with a deadline of October 1, or as regular requests with a deadline for March 1. Year in advance orders are encouraged when seed supplies are limited. YIA orders have the highest priority when seed is allocated and ensure that the grower will receive the amount ordered. Year in Advance orders may be made in any quantity. Additionally, orders can be placed by phoning the foundation seed manager at any time. Prices are set by the CSU Foundation Seed Committee and are as follows:

    • Foundation Seed – $1.00 per pound
    • Breeder Seed – $2.50 per pound.
  • Breeder seed may be sold only to a public seed growers institution.

‘Centennial’ Pinto Bean, “Croissant’, “Long’s Peak” Pinto Bean, ‘Montrose’ Pinto Bean, ‘Grand Mesa’ Pinto Bean, and ‘Shiny Crow’ Black Bean have a technology fee that is assessed on the sale of Registered and Certified seed classes. The fee structure is $2.00 per hundred weight for in-state sales of Registered seed and $4.00 per hundred weight on out-of-state sales. The fees for Certified seed are $1.00 per hundred weight for in-state sales and $2.00 per hundred weight on out-of-state sales. Ninety-five percent of these fees directly benefit dry bean breeding, improvement, and research programs at Colorado State University. Five percent of the fee is used for administrative costs related to fee collection. Collection of the fee is made by the Colorado Seed Growers Association when tags are applied for.

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