bookcliffs in Palisade Colorado

Western Colorado Research Center

The Western Colorado Research Center is one of ten research centers that make up Colorado’s Agricultural Experiment Station, the state’s leader in agricultural research and education programs. Since 1888, AES supports Colorado-based agriculture and contributes to food security and health of our growing population in a changing climate.

The WCRC is comprised of three research farms, Orchard Mesa, Grand Valley, and Rogers Mesa. The three sites represent the diversity of climate, crops, and challenges of western Colorado agriculture, including focus on water conservation and efficiency, cold-hardiness, diseases, pests and varieties of grapes and tree fruits, integrated cropping systems, vegetable production, and food security.

The WCRC Research Farms

Geographically Distinct Locations with Diverse Research Goals


WCRC Grand Valley

WCRC – Grand Valley

WCRC-Grand Valley, est. 1949, is located outside of Fruita, CO, and focuses on challenges associated with our arid climate and finding solutions to conserve critically important agricultural water resources. Research at WCRC-Grand Valley centers on: 

  • Irrigation and water resources
  • Integrated cropping systems 
  • Alternative crops and forages
WCRC Orchard Mesa

WCRC – Orchard Mesa

WCRC – Orchard Mesa, established in 1962, is located southeast of Grand Junction, CO at CSU’s interdisciplinary Western Campus facility. At Orchard Mesa, our primary areas of research and scholarship center around:

  • Tree fruits
  • Wine grape production
  • Vegetable production
  • Food Insecurity
  • Agricultural Literacy
WCRC Rogers Mesa

WCRC – Rogers Mesa

WCRC – Rogers Mesa, located near Hotchkiss, CO, received full organic certification in 2020. To serve the organic growers of the region, our focus at Rogers Mesa is exclusively on organic agriculture. Our primary research is currently centered around:

  • Organic tree fruits
  • Organic table and wine grapes
  • Organic seed production
  • Organic greenhouse cultivation


Each WCRC research farm has a unique research focus with overlapping themes and collaborative projects that span multiple sites. In addition to our specific research focus areas in tree fruit, vineyards, vegetables, and cropping systems, a focus on water and soil health are at the forefront of our work. For example, winter pulse crop trials are conducted at both Rogers Mesa and Grand Valley with a focus on improving soil health and better managing water resources. To build a stronger agricultural future for our region, students play important roles on our research teams, working alongside research scientists and engaging with our industry partners and local growers.

Outreach and Engagement

Communicating our work and engaging with our community is an important part of the work at all three WCRC sites. Our ag literacy programs connect K-12 students and adult learners with all aspects of our community ag and food systems. To stay up to date with our upcoming workshop, classes, and publications, follow us on social media, and sign up for our monthly newsletter.

Engage with WCRC

Contact Information

Physical Address

3170 B 1/2 Road
Grand Junction, CO 81503-9621
(970) 434-3264

General Inquiries

Monique Mull

Strategic Business Manager

Research Farms

Addresses and Phone Numbers

WCRC – Orchard Mesa

3170 B 1/2 Road
Grand Junction, CO 81503-9621
(970) 434-3264

WCRC – Grand Valley

1910 L Road
Fruita, CO 81521
(970) 858-3629

WCRC – Rogers Mesa

30624 HWY 92
Hotchkiss, CO 81419
(970) 872-3437

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